Make a difference
Providing innovative methods of education and cognitive stimulation in a personalized format is expensive. Your donations are, therefore, integral to Worthy Children Foundation's mission to help numerous children in Switzerland and worldwide.
Ways to donate
Paypal and Debit or Credit Cards
Make a Bank Transfer – Swiss Francs (CHF)
Account holder
Worthy Children Foundation
Registered Address
c/o BfB Société Fiduciaire Bourquin frères et Béran SA. Rue de la Corraterie 26. CH-1204, Genève. Switzerland.
UBS Switzerland AG
Bank Address
UBS Switzerland AG. Rue du Rhône 8. CH-1204, Genève. Switzerland.
CHF (Swiss Francs)
Account Number
0215 00154302.01R
CH53 0021 5215 1543 0201 R
UBS postal account number
Information for Donors - United States of America

Gifts by check: Address your check to KBFUS, write "American Friends of the Worthy Children Foundation" in the memo section of the check, and send it to KBFUS at 10 Rockefeller Plaza, 16th Floor, New York, NY 10020
Gifts by credit card:
Gifts by wire transfer or to contribute other types of property: Contact KBFUS via email at or phone +1(212) 713-7660
For persons considering a donation in other currencies, or wish to donate financial securities, property or other assets, please contact us at